European Institute for Development.

About EID

The organization European Development Institute has
publishing authority and publishing code 978-619-90047, which allows publication of publications by the organization with an ISBN number..

Objectives of the organization:

1.    To support the
development of scientists from the EU and stimulate their scientific and
scientific-applied activities.

2. To support youth
initiatives in all areas for which there is no legal prohibition.

Main tasks
of the organization:

1.          To assist and create
favorable conditions for the development of quality scientific and
scientific-applied developments by scientists in the EU;

2.            To study, develop and
implement methodologies, innovations and improvements in all scientific fields
according to the nomenclatures adopted in the EU, to assist in the improvement
of these nomenclatures and digitization of the administrative organization and
control of policies in the EU.

3.            To carry out all
kinds of scientific and educational activities, in close connection with the
current needs of the socio-political and economic development of the world, to
develop the leading role of the EU in these processes and achieve sustainable
and intelligent growth.

4.            To support the work
and protect the interests of its members and all persons professionally engaged
in science in the EU;

5.            To assist in the
development of competitive developments in all scientific fields by
counteracting unfair competition, abuse by senior scientific workers,
prohibited agreements and other practices that hinder, limit or disrupt
scientific work;

6.            To assist members in
clarifying new legal acts concerning their activities;

7.            To develop a
professional and moral code for the members of the association and to stimulate
the establishment of ethical relations in the industry;

8.            To work for the
popularization of scientific approaches in practice, using innovative methods
and modern technologies.

9.            To promote and
support scientific, educational and practical activities in the field of
project management and writing.

10.        Conducts trainings,
practices, exchange of experience and knowledge in all areas for which there is
no legal prohibition.

11.        Applications with
projects for funding under international projects, European and national

12.        Assistance to members
of the association and other related organizations in participating in local
and international initiatives, programs, conferences and meetings.

13.        Supporting the
development of innovative methods and projects, the application of
digitization, transparency and electronic management in the following areas:

·               for the improvement
of industry, woodworking, agricultural and animal breeding and other economic
activities, while preserving the traditional practices and industries for the
regions, and protecting a suitable business climate for the development and stimulation
of entrepreneurial initiatives, reducing the administrative burden, and
creating new jobs with value added.

·               to preserve and
restore traditional regional species and varieties in agriculture, animal
husbandry and forestry, and traditional technologies and recipes in the
processing industry, protecting individual regions from practices such as the
use of genetically modified, parasitic or environmentally aggressive,
terminator seeds or other types of "innovations" that practically
destroy traditions, species and varieties, endemics and nature, in general or
serve corporate interests.

·               for stimulating lifelong learning, education, critical
thinking and responsible participation in people's socio-political life,
ecological, health- and socially responsible behavior.

·              To overcome limitations and create an appropriate environment for the life and development of socially vulnerable groups, people with disabilities, children at risk and persons and communities at risk of social exclusion, as well as protection of
human rights and human values ​​and virtues.

·               on renewable energy
sources and energy efficiency, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, circular
economy, greener, low-carbon Europe, innovative methods for adequate action and
adaptation to climate fluctuations, and risk prevention and management.

·               to counteract the
trends of depopulation of regions and respectively overpopulation of megacities
and larger cities and overcome the problems resulting from these uncontrollable
processes, support, modernization and development of rural areas.

14.        To assist in the
development of scientific and applied developments and tools to counteract
vicious practices of the state administration, European and national policies,
as well as corporate interests that limit freedom of speech, organizational and
personal development, initiatives, rights and freedoms, harm national interests
, threaten the national security and sovereignty of the Republic of Bulgaria or
other sovereign states, have an anti-humane, anti-constitutional and contrary
to Christian values ​​impact on the nation and humanity as a whole and
contribute to the obliteration of nations and the identity of the various
states, the demographic collapse in Bulgaria and the destruction of human

15.        To support the
development of legislative initiatives and control of sustainable policies to
improve people's lives, protect the rights and health of people, the Bulgarian
nation and national interests, preserve traditions, clean nature and national
identity, combat corruption, in the field of youth and scientific achievements
in the EU, the UN and all areas where science and education can be put into

16.        Any other activity
for which there is no legal prohibition according to the laws of the Republic
of Bulgaria.

Means by which the organization
achieves its goals:

1.    Conducting regular
meetings of the members of the Association for discussion and discussions on
topics and issues related to the problems of scientific achievements in various

2.    Development of
relations with international and other national organizations working in the
scientific and scientific-applied sphere;

3.    Development of
qualification programs and participation of the organization in conferences,
seminars, symposia, meetings and other forms of preparation, qualification and
improvement of personnel working in the field of science;

4.    Interaction with
state, governmental and non-governmental and municipal bodies and organizations
to fulfill the goals and tasks of the association;

5.    Organization of other
activities related to the goals and tasks of the association, supporting the
development of scientists and their scientific and applied work.

Experience of eid

The organization has experience in performing the following activities:

1.  Contract No. MEMOFISH 420–001/23.07.2018 for "Preparation of technical tasks and consultations for tender procedures" under the project "MEMOFISH. Memory and future. Narratives of the Danube Civilization", financed under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A Romania - Bulgaria 2014 - 2020, No. ROBG-420, with leading partner/beneficiary Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Implementation period: 2018-2020.
Description and results:

All project partners were consulted - BRTPP, Silistra Municipality, Ruse Regional Historical Museum. Technical specifications have been prepared for the conclusion of contracts for the following services:

1.  External expertise for public relations, communication and promotion of the project - for a Romanian partner

2.  Website and online platform development, design and maintenance of social media pages, SEO for web pages and social media pages

3.  Organizing forum sessions

4.  Organizing public events to promote the Transition to Circular Economy policies

5.  Development of integrated tourism products

6.  Development of a general management plan for the joint commercialization of tourism products

7.  Preparation of "General policy for the conservation, development and use of the heritage of fishing communities and reduction of greenhouse gases"

8.  Supply of equipment - ICT

9.  Delivery of equipment - to improve the Energy Efficiency of the beneficiaries

10.  Designs and promotional materials

11.  Written and oral translations

12.  Organization of information days

13.  Production of printed materials

14.  Policy research and preparation of the Culture Matters document

15.  Delivery to an exhibition stand

16.  Accounting services

2.  "Preparation of an internal manual for the provision of services and training of staff from the Agency for Cross-Border Mobility VISA" was carried out under the project "VISA - Agency for Cross-Border Labor Mobility", financed under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria 2014 -2020, with leading partner/beneficiary Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Implementation period: 2018-2019
Description and results:

In connection with the improvement of the employment and labor mobility policy in the cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria, focusing on the problems and prospects for employment and labor mobility, following studies on the current state of the labor market in the region and the needs of the target groups, guidelines were prepared. An internal manual was developed, a document on the organization of the activity of the Agency for Cross-Border Labor Mobility, which was created within the framework of the project, containing all the necessary information, procedures and rules for its functioning. The document outlines the standards and criteria for the quality of the Agency's services. Provides information on: mission, organizational structure and internal rules. A set of services were also developed to be included in the portfolio of the future Agency.

The management had a special emphasis on the problems of the beneficiaries of the project, and training was carried out for their experts to update the competencies of the persons employed in the public sphere and prepare them for the changes in the European labor market related to the demographic crisis, the aging local population and the migrant pressure on the territory of EU. The training included measures to support employees:

  to carry out reforms to make labor markets work better,

  to be able to cope with the significant changes brought about by the twin digital and environmental transitions.

  to be assisted in developing innovative employment policies, strengthening active employment policies or policies to combat undeclared work;

  in order to develop alternative employment policies for persons left without work or without qualifications, which would allow them to adapt to the labor market after applying the requirements of the Green Pact and guarantee a fair and socially justified transition of the region.

  to implement ways to overcome the concentration of labor in one region at the expense of others and to seek a balance depending on the needs of certain skills and occupations.

  to support the adaptation of employers and employees to the digital and green transformation and to seek solutions to accelerate this process.

3.  Provided external services for the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - organization of events under the international project "Smart Water" for flood prevention.

The project was funded by the European Civil Protection Financial Mechanism and coordinated by the Province of Padua in Italy. The other partners were from Romania, Bulgaria - municipality of Svilengrad and Greece.

Implementation period: 2013-2014.
Description and results:

The development of green infrastructure in coastal areas and along rivers, which, in addition to preventing flooding as a result of climate change, will help preserve biodiversity and the landscape, while benefiting tourism and the coastal economy. Development of a flood early warning system.

Organized and held:

-  International two-day conference

-  user training session by test regions and countries,

-  Smart Water instrument validation tests

-  activities for the promotion of European policies and in particular for policies related toThe Blue Economy contributing to the European Green Deal and the transition to a carbon-neutral, circular and biodiversity-friendly EU economy

The main objective of the project was to develop, in international partnership, a tool for flood risk management that is easy to use and accessible via the Internet and to improve coastal areas in support of a Sustainable Blue Economy.

The international team performed an analysis of existing flood forecasting models and selected the best model, collected spatial data from risk areas and developed a web application accessible at multiple territorial levels.

4.  Design of a site for carrying out activities under the "Reconstruction of the old school in the village of Malko Gradishte, Lyubimets municipality into a Tourist Information Center with an archaeological base", with a built-up area of 761.82 sq. m. The contracting authority is the Municipality of Lyubimets under the "Voice of the Rock" project. The Voice of the Rock", No. RD-02-29-31/11.02.2014, financed under the third invitation of the Bulgaria-Turkish Cross-Border Cooperation Program under IPP, with Enez Municipality - Turkey as the leading partner.

Implementation period: 2016
Description and results:

Services provided related to:

1. Designing for the reconstruction of a building;

2. revision of a project during construction under Art. 154

in parts Architectural, Structural, Electrical, Plumbing, PBZ, Energy Efficiency, Fire Safety and Fire Alarm Installation.

Particular attention when choosing the technological solutions was related to the limitation of chemical pollution when processing the materials and artifacts discovered during excavations in the laboratory of the Archaeological Base, as well as reducing energy consumption by one fifth, with changes in technological maps, waste recycling, optimized use of potable water and reuse of waste water and maximum use of technologies increasing energy efficiency, such as solar panels, AAA+ equipment, etc.

5.  Conducted training for the Municipality of Ivaylovgrad on Project Management under operational programs.

Implementation period: 2021
Description and results:

As part of the service, a 5-day training was held for municipal employees and non-governmental organizations from the municipality for:

-  General requirements for preparation and submission of projects

-  General requirements for project reporting and compliance with the rules of the relevant operational programs

-  General requirements for financial management.

-  Cash flow control

-  Regulatory requirements and types of payments.

-  Procedures for prior financial control

-  Completing registers, reports, protocols and forms.

-  Procurement

-  Procedures: when developing tender dossiers

-  Rules and procedures for ongoing control of the implementation of project contracts

-  Risk Management

-  Sustainability of projects

-  Multiply the results

-  ensuring an economically efficient and socially just ecological transition for the region and all stakeholders

6.Consultations during the preparation of a documentary film by project partner Regional Directorate of Culture and Tourism - Kirklareli, Turkey under Project No. BG05SFOP001-2.025-0220 with a documentary film, under the project "COMMON IDENTITY COMMON HISTORY (CICH)", ID No. 2007 CB16IPO008 2013-3 -105

Implementation period: 2016
Description and results:

1.  Conducted a study and prepared a report on the cultural and historical landmarks in the Municipality of Karkralari and the village of Ertorulkoy, Turkey

2.  Conducted a study and prepared a report on the natural features in the Municipality of Karkralari and the village of Ertorulkoy, Turkey

3.  Study of the historical connections with the cross-border region with both Bulgaria and Greece.

4.  Recommendations for the development of a scenario according to the criteria of the program and in accordance with the cultural and historical facts.

5.  Presentation of the reports and studies at an international conference organized by the Regional Directorate of Culture and Tourism in Kirklareli and with the participation of the Turkish Academy of Sciences, the University of Kirklarali and Edirne, Haskovo and Svilengrad Historical Museums.

  7. Organization of events for the National Organization of Users of Mental Health Services (NOPPZU) under a project of the Active Citizens Bulgaria Fund under the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021 - implementation of initiatives that contribute to strengthening cooperation between NGOs in Bulgaria and organizations from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway

Implementation period: 2018
Description and results:

1.  Preparation for 4 events in different regional cities of Bulgaria

2.  Holding 4 seminars in Stara Zagora, Veliko Tarnovo. Vlagoevgrad and Haskovo for Users of Mental Health Services and the organizations that provide them with help in the region - NGOs, social enterprises, organizations of people with disabilities and social homes

3.  Information meetings with the media in the target regions

  8.Service provided to Society "Idein", Ruse

Implementation period: 2020
Description and results:

Consultation on the development of a project idea with a partner from the donor countries (Ireland, Liechtenstein, Norway) under the First Competition for Strategic Projects of the Active Citizens Bulgaria Fund under the FM of the EEA 2014 2021.

1.  Study of funding opportunities, the problems of the target groups in the target region

2.  Preparation of complete application form

3.  Preparation of project budget

4.  Preparation of accompanying documents

Contact us

You can contact us at:  Our email here .